Our Policy Review process is the easiest one available for both you and your clients. We’ll help you generate new sales! Our program reviews your client’s life insurance at no cost or obligation. And it’s a WIN/WIN end result for YOU! With the hundreds of cases we have reviewed, over 50% of them resulted in a recommendation that improved the client’s life insurance portfolio.
Try Our Policy Review Decision Tree Then Read Below For More Info And To Get Started!
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Life Settlement Calculator
Sample Client Letter Downloads
Life Insurance Review
Powerpoint presentation explaining our complete insurance policy review process.
Handy form designed to gather client’s current policy info.
The complete scope of materials provided by the Rocky Mountain Insurance policy review.
Letter to authorize the release of information on the current inforce policy.
And how to avoid them, by Stephan R. Leimberg.
Why Do Policy Reviews?
- 70% of people who purchase life insurance never hear from their agent again.
- 60% of people who own life insurance have no idea how it works.
- 50% or more of policies reviewed require changes for a myriad of reasons.
- ONLY 10% of people owning life insurance have it reviewed on a regular basis.
Call us today at (800) 846-3997 and we’ll tell you how you can start.
Here’s How It Works
- You get a signed Authorization form from your client. (see attached).
- You fax or scan the Authorization form to us.
- We contact the existing insurance carriers and request in force information & illustrations.
- We send a confirmation email to you.
- We follow up with insurance carriers on a regular basis to obtain information.
- We receive all in force information & illustrations and send an email confirmation to you.
- We do a Complete Policy Review.
- We phone you to discuss the details of your clients’ Policy Review.
- We provide you with a Complete Policy Review package to present to your client.
- In the event of a recommendation for replacement, we will provide you with new illustrations and applications to present to your client.
Get Started! Policy Review Request